The Cams

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This is the exact layout of the two cams that drive the exhaust valve and fuel pump. The circle was used as a reference and the cam was traced from the original cam.
Those wanting an exact tracing can contact me.

R&V part No. 33B

  Left shot shows heating the cam while using a bearing puller, it was extremely tight and we all know you take care with cast iron.
The right shot shows cam half way off.

Left: The cam removed, the hole on the end of the shaft has been placed there when it was modified to points and coil, it held a third cam in place to run the points. Normally the main cam is just keyed on.
Right: Removable housing that contains the main bearing, the cam bearing and governor shaft housings.

R&V Part No. 14B

Bearing housing is
R&V Part No. 14B


Showing Cam profile

R&V Part No. 33B


The complete cam, shaft and cam gear


Left: Cam Gear - 36 teeth


Right: Main crank bearing from removable bearing housing. These are a solid bearing with no adjustment, as you can see to oil comes in from the hole on top, along the groove and into a radial ring on both ends.